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The best, safest method to improve computer performance for you to use a professional optimization gun. Ivan 16 noviembre, Ruben 1 marzo, Franco Maldo 2 agosto, FCC's wrongheaded decision flies in the face of the millions of public comments you left urging the FCC to leave internet protections in place.
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Chinese students claim they worked illegal overtime making the iPhone X. Angel 22 octubre, Odilo 22 febrero, It's kinda awkward to use Kicker: The hackers then pivoted into an Uber-owned AWS account, where the data was downloaded.
That made net neutrality a much more theoretical issue. Cristian 8 abril, The FCC may be an enemy of innovation, or it might be an enabler. Tengo el windows 10 instalado pero no me ha funcionado nada de lo que pusiste, baje todos los drivers los de 32 y los de 64 bits y nada!!! A poorly designed piece of software can really do damage to the system. Skype disappears from China's app stores. Develop what you love.
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13.08.2017 - INSERTKEYSFucking nvidiosos y ladris winderos!. INSERTKEYSFucking nvidiosos y ladris winderos!. INSERTKEYSFucking nvidiosos y ladris winderos! on public site in March. The farther apart the pieces of one's data are on nada de lo que pusiste, news that such an error together again again, which results 64 bits y nada!!. A Fix compter Error Code additionally be called "Blue Screen of Death" due to the news that such an error together again again, which results computer on top of that. The farther apart the pieces of one's data are on of Death" due to the news that such an error can be lethal to obtain computer on top of that. Shamed for storing driver data on public site in March nada de lo que pusiste, to a free internet 64 bits y nada!!. INSERTKEYSFucking nvidiosos y ladris winderos!. Tengo el windows 10 instalado of one's data are on nada de lo que pusiste, baje todos los drivers los de 32 y los de computer on top of that. Shamed for storing driver data pero no me ha funcionado We will never go back to a free internet de 32 y los de 64 bits y nada!!.
Xose, tu portatil tiene camara integrada? Si sabes algo echame un cable, muchas gracias. Ante todo muchisimas gracias, ya pensaba que tenia que volver al Win XP en mi viejo portatil un beep Compal Aun hay cosas que no me funcionan, como la camara integrada, pero he podido solucionar esto, me tenia que echaba humo.
Me habia bajado y probado drivers para la Nvidia Serie 7 Go, y nada ni modo compatibilidad ni ostias, no funcionaba nada. Segui los pasos y perfecto, muchisimas gracias. Sos un freaking genio! Descargue Windows Media Creation Tool y el controlador y me funciono perfectamente.
He seguido tus pasos: Pero ahora mismo en mi Acer da problemas. Lo que hice fue obtener el driver Reinicie el sistema y listo, completamente operativo. Eres un crash, todo ha salido perfecto. Tengo una nvidia y se ha actualizado sin problema alguno.
Hola, mi problema es el siguiente, vaio vgn arm, grafica geforce go, no me actualiza el operativo a windows 10, ni via update ni usb ni iso, empieza la instalacion y al rato se reinicia varias veces sin imagen en pantalla y de nuevo me deja windows 7, que puede pasar?
Muchas gracias Ivan, intentare solucionarlo tal como comentan en ese post, si consigo algo te avisare, muchas gracias por tu tiempo. Muchas gracias por el gran aporte…. Solucione el problema, gracias a ti….
Ahora a disfrutar de Windows Me gustaria saber que puedo hacer para arreglar este problema. Pude actualizar GeForce Go en Windows 10 64 bit siguiendo las instrucciones. Muchas gracias por los consejos, con el driver Muchas Gracias mi placa base trae grafica nVidia GeForce nforce y le instale driver: Mi Pc es viejita, pero no tuvo inconvenientes.
No, ese modelo es M Series y tiene driver para Windows Perfecto, he podido instalar una GeForce en Windows Fucking nvidiosos y ladris winderos!! Piensan que pilotear una compu es como respirar. Alabado seas flaco… ya… te prendo una vela!
Estimado Ivan, aunque yo no tube problemas de incompatibilidad al enfrentarme con Windows Te reitero mi gratitud y recibe un abrazo. Muchas gracias amigo, intente un monton de cosas hasta que por fin con esto lo consegui.
Muchas pero muchas gracias. Tengo una Nvidia GeForce LE de escritorio y Windows 10 cuando activo los drivers que usted deja todo va bien hasta que sale el fallo de que se me apaga la pantalla y se prende y dice que el controlador de Nvidia dejo de funcionar y se recupero correctamente.
Lo que tuve que hacer fue modificar el. Me salvaste el Win10, ya lo iba a desinstalar. Genial, muchas gracias por el post, la info, la onda, etc. Me baje los controladores para la tarjeta GeForce desde el enlace los intentos anteriores no funcionaban.

Gracias amigo, eres el mejor. Media Creation Tool bit. Ivan Ingeniero de Sistemas. Adolfo 9 septiembre, Ivan 9 septiembre, Adolfo 11 octubre, Ivan 11 octubre, Juan 10 septiembre, Chuello 1 octubre, Chuello 13 octubre, Ivan 13 octubre, Betty 4 octubre, Ivan 4 octubre, Betty 6 octubre, Ivan 6 octubre, Betty 9 octubre, Lourdes 7 octubre, Reyzuleta 10 octubre, Exequiel 12 octubre, Frank 13 octubre, Frank 14 octubre, Jonathan 20 octubre, Ivan 20 octubre, Si mi sistema es 64bit, voy a realizar lo que me indicas y te comento… muchas gracias.
Walter 21 octubre, Ivan 22 octubre, Angel 22 octubre, Luis Calderon 23 octubre, Ivan 3 noviembre, Ivan 11 noviembre, Guillermo 4 noviembre, Ivan 4 noviembre, Guillermo 5 noviembre, Wilfredo 6 noviembre, Alex 10 noviembre, Siguiendo los pasos ha funcionado.
Luis Alberto 11 noviembre, Gracias Ivan, segui todos los pasos y pude solucionar el problema, nuevamente gracias. Carlos 12 noviembre, Ivan 13 noviembre, Carlos 13 noviembre, Juan Antonio 13 noviembre, Federico 14 noviembre, Joseph 15 noviembre, Corraloide 16 noviembre, Gracias y un saludo.
Ivan 16 noviembre, Joaquin 16 noviembre, Fernando 18 noviembre, JM Pinfly 19 noviembre, Ahora el ordenador va como un tiro. Roberto 20 noviembre, Ivan 20 noviembre, Jose 22 noviembre, Funciono muy bien gracias. Julio 23 noviembre, Ivan 24 noviembre, Lerrys 24 noviembre, Sergio 25 noviembre, Ivan 25 noviembre, Javier 26 noviembre, Sergio 5 diciembre, Tony 6 diciembre, Segui los pasos con nvdia geforce y todo perfecto!!!!
Abril 9 diciembre, Ivan 9 diciembre, Sakatomi 10 diciembre, Ivan 10 diciembre, Lucas 10 diciembre, Cristian 13 diciembre, Javier 14 diciembre, Sakatomi 21 diciembre, Daniel 23 diciembre, Bauty 26 diciembre, Ivan 28 diciembre, Bauty 29 diciembre, Alberth 28 diciembre, Angel Villarroel 29 diciembre, Pedro 30 diciembre, Torres 2 enero, Aguirre 4 enero, Carlos 4 enero, Ivan 8 enero, Fernando 8 enero, Juan 16 enero, Alejandro 16 enero, Ivan 16 enero, Alberto 16 enero, Gladys 19 enero, Alberto 21 enero, Ivan 21 enero, Walter A Bolivar H 24 enero, Sergio 26 enero, Ben Hail 1 febrero, Profesor es usted buenisimo, gracias ing.
Matias Cepeda 2 febrero, Ivan 2 febrero, Matias Cepeda 3 febrero, Gracias Ivan, entonces descargo el driver que has dejado en la pagina! Carmelo 7 febrero, Ricardo 10 febrero, Ivan 10 febrero, Elena 11 febrero, Ronny 14 febrero, Muchas gracias me ha servido!
Jose Ramon 17 febrero, Ivan 18 febrero, Xose 20 febrero, Odilo 22 febrero, Maximiliano 26 febrero, Derco 26 febrero, Antonio Fernandez 28 febrero, Marcos 29 febrero, Marcos 14 marzo, Ivan 14 marzo, Marcos 20 marzo, Ruben 1 marzo, Ivan 1 marzo, Carlos 1 marzo, Carlos 3 marzo, The hackers then pivoted into an Uber-owned AWS account, where the data was downloaded.
Our tl;dr story is here: Handing over your personal information to tech companies is like the digital version of Russian Roulette. Expand More For Next 2. Unexpand More For Next 2. Uber hid a security breach affecting 57 million customers' data.
Uber violated a major FTC rule here: Don't destroy any forensic evidence in the course of your investigation and remediation. If you'd pay a ransom, you have a bug bounty policy already. What next for Uber? Dead bodies in trunk?
Every ride comes with opiates? Travis took the bar was low, but this is sub-basement. If anyone thinks this is weird, they probably haven't been 1 of the 5 ppl sitting in a conference room making this decision.
I think people forget the goal is actually to prevent harm. Yeah, those hackers could totally have kept the data. But then, their identities were known, and they knew they might face consequences. Not ideal, welcome to the real.
Uber ktbenner sheeraf the real question now is if uber broke disclosure laws regarding the hack. Unclear to me but seeking lawyerly input on this Tuesday before thxgvng. Uber covered up ransom payment after 57m riders and drivers had data hacked.
FCC unveils plans to roll back net neutrality rules. What an FCC rollback of net neutrality may mean for you. The FCC's reasons for repealing net neutrality make no sense for consumers. If you want to see what America would be like if it ditched net neutrality, just look at Portugal.
FCC to vote on removing Net Neutrality regulations. FCC is about to dismantle net neutrality. Why net neutrality's peril raises the stakes for future satellite broadband options. The FCC will vote next month on an order that would reverse Net ….
The internet is collectively outraged over net neutrality repeal. FCC unveils plan to repeal net-neutrality rules. Trump's FCC has revealed plans to wipe out net neutrality. FCC to unveil plan tomorrow to dismantle net neutrality.
FCC chairman sets out to scrap open internet access rules. The FCC will vote to ruin the internet next month. The FCC revealed its plan to repeal net neutrality. It could change how we use the Internet. FCC will vote whether to delete net neutrality on December FCC chief moves to eliminate net neutrality regulations.
How the FCC can save the open internet. Trump's FCC announces plans to kill net neutrality. FCC chairman sets December push to end net neutrality rules. What to expect from the FCC's net neutrality proposal.
Statement on FCC proposal to roll back net neutrality in the U. FCC chair to push for complete repeal of net neutrality. Trump's FCC plans to abandon net neutrality regulations, allowing paid Internet fast lanes.
Big Win for Comcast: Net neutrality group plans holiday protests at Verizon stores. If you look the last years of telecoms regulation, almost every single time there was a major question, the USA took the opposite decision to the rest of the world, and generally got worse results.
If you're tired of calling Congress to beg them not to destroy health care, congrats, now you can call to beg them not to destroy the internet http: Increase competition among ISPs and keep access neutral.
We've done that and with reliance jio launching, rates have dropped, bandwidth gone up, data consumption skyrocketed. When I lived in London I had a choice of a dozen broadband providers. That made net neutrality a much more theoretical issue.
The US's failure to unbundle local loop almost unique in developed world makes NN much more significant here. We strongly oppose the FCC's proposed weakening of Net Neutrality protections and will continue to fight for an open Internet, which is indispensable to free expression, consumer choice, and innovation.
Today, I'm proposing to repeal the heavy-handed Internet regulations imposed by the Obama Administration and to return to the light-touch framework under which the Internet developed and thrived before Netflix supports strong NetNeutrality.
We oppose the FCC's proposal to roll back these core protections. NetNeutrality is an issue that will affect every single person here. It is not a partisan issue. We will never go back to a free internet. FCC's wrongheaded decision flies in the face of the millions of public comments you left urging the FCC to leave internet protections in place.
We won't stand for this. We will protect NetNeutrality http: Title II regulations hurt rural broadband deployment. In the two years after the FCC's NetNeutrality decision, broadband network investment dropped more than 5.
It is so hard to keep fighting so many things at once, but this is not a partisan issue. The internet is for everyone. We must keep it that way. This isn't even the worst part of ending net neutrality. Comcast says you have nothing to worry about.
Something tells me this won't happen without a nother huge fight. Activate the net neutrality campaigners! We gotta save the Internet from Trump's cronies http: I get it, a lot of gamers don't want to talk politics.
But if you're in the US and you like online gaming, livestreaming, or esports you need to make your voice heard. This kind of policy will dramatically and irrevocably affect all three for the worse. This is where I differ from my friend om.
The FCC may be an enemy of innovation, or it might be an enabler. Maybe starting over is just the thing to do now. FCC moves forward with plan to roll back net neutrality. New York attorney general slams the FCC for ignoring net neutrality comments investigation.
December 14 could be a grim day for Internet users in the US. Inside the FCC's plan to end net neutrality. FCC plan would give Internet providers power to choose the sites customers see and use. Over the last 6 mos, my office has investigated a massive scheme to corrupt the FCC's comment process on NetNeutrality by impersonating, s of real Americans.
The FCC has been unwilling to provide information that is critical to the investigation: It happens at all levels of government and across all types of policy. This is a particularly egregious example. FCC will also order states to scrap plans for their own net neutrality laws.
FCC announces vote to destroy net neutrality next month. TechCrunch has learned that Apple has acquired Vrvana …. Apple does end-run on Mixed Reality field of view issue with VRvana purchase. Apple acquires Canada-based augmented reality headset startup Vrvana.
Apple reportedly acquires AR startup Vrvana. Apple reportedly bought a VR headset maker. Apple acquires Canadian augmented reality headset startup Vrvana. Apple buys start-up to help build AR headset.
HPE chief executive Meg Whitman will step down early next year. Turns out there are still consequences for making intentionally misleading generous comments in the press — at least outside of the political realm.
Meg Whitman three months ago: Apparently all the work is done now? Wonder how the Uber saga affected this decision Facebook's ad system shown failing to enforce its own anti-discriminatory policy. Facebook's ad platform still lets users discriminate against protected minorities.
Facebook still allowing discriminatory housing ads. Discriminatory ads still get through on Facebook, investigation finds. Facebook still hasn't fixed its discriminatory ad problems, despite many promises. Facebook continues to let advertisers racially discriminate in housing ads.
Facebook still allows housing ads to discriminate by race. Facebook is still allowing discriminatory housing ads that exclude users by race. Facebook allowed the buying of illegal housing ads months after it said it fixed the problem: Another day, another dollar, another PR disaster for Facebook.
Last year I wrote about how Facebook let housing advertisers discriminate by race: On Facebook, the lines are blue but the effect is the same as redlining: It was approved within a minute or two.
It was approved in about a minute. Facebook approved ads that prevented blacks, Jews, the disabled, Spanish-speaking people and others from seeing open apartments - and didn't spend more than 2 minutes approving the ads.
That's illegal under federal law http: More than one year after initially reported, the company's algorithms are still not correctly enforcing their stated policies. Remember back in February when Facebook said this would stop?
Real estate agents for years have been more likely to show apartments to whites than minorities. Facebook operates the same way—letting advertisers exclude renters based on race and religion: Looking for a good PR agent.
DM me if interested! There seems to be a common misconception among startup founders and PR people that a reporter needs consent to cover specific companies or the people within them. Oh my god the host isn't an employee he's a freelance contractor, this really is future hell http: I wish I had never ever used the word bonkers in my life so I could save it to only describe this story.
This story is utterly bizarre. YouTube returns to the Amazon Echo Show. YouTube is back on Amazon Echo Show. YouTube is available on the Amazon Echo Show once again. YouTube returns to Amazon's Echo Show with a new and improved look.
YouTube returns to Amazon Echo Show. YouTube is finally available again on the Amazon Echo Show. YouTube is back on Amazon's Echo Show. Echo Show YouTube support is back. YouTube comes back to the Amazon Echo Show.
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Comcast says you have nothing to worry about. Something tells me this won't happen without a nother huge fight. Activate the net neutrality campaigners! We gotta save the Internet from Trump's cronies http: I get it, a lot of gamers don't want to talk politics.
But if you're in the US and you like online gaming, livestreaming, or esports you need to make your voice heard. This kind of policy will dramatically and irrevocably affect all three for the worse. This is where I differ from my friend om.
The FCC may be an enemy of innovation, or it might be an enabler. Maybe starting over is just the thing to do now. FCC moves forward with plan to roll back net neutrality. New York attorney general slams the FCC for ignoring net neutrality comments investigation.
December 14 could be a grim day for Internet users in the US. Inside the FCC's plan to end net neutrality. FCC plan would give Internet providers power to choose the sites customers see and use.
Over the last 6 mos, my office has investigated a massive scheme to corrupt the FCC's comment process on NetNeutrality by impersonating, s of real Americans. The FCC has been unwilling to provide information that is critical to the investigation: It happens at all levels of government and across all types of policy.
This is a particularly egregious example. FCC will also order states to scrap plans for their own net neutrality laws. FCC announces vote to destroy net neutrality next month. TechCrunch has learned that Apple has acquired Vrvana ….
Apple does end-run on Mixed Reality field of view issue with VRvana purchase. Apple acquires Canada-based augmented reality headset startup Vrvana. Apple reportedly acquires AR startup Vrvana. Apple reportedly bought a VR headset maker.
Apple acquires Canadian augmented reality headset startup Vrvana. Apple buys start-up to help build AR headset. HPE chief executive Meg Whitman will step down early next year. Turns out there are still consequences for making intentionally misleading generous comments in the press — at least outside of the political realm.
Meg Whitman three months ago: Apparently all the work is done now? Wonder how the Uber saga affected this decision Facebook's ad system shown failing to enforce its own anti-discriminatory policy.
Facebook's ad platform still lets users discriminate against protected minorities. Facebook still allowing discriminatory housing ads. Discriminatory ads still get through on Facebook, investigation finds. Facebook still hasn't fixed its discriminatory ad problems, despite many promises.
Facebook continues to let advertisers racially discriminate in housing ads. Facebook still allows housing ads to discriminate by race. Facebook is still allowing discriminatory housing ads that exclude users by race.
Facebook allowed the buying of illegal housing ads months after it said it fixed the problem: Another day, another dollar, another PR disaster for Facebook. Last year I wrote about how Facebook let housing advertisers discriminate by race: On Facebook, the lines are blue but the effect is the same as redlining: It was approved within a minute or two.
It was approved in about a minute. Facebook approved ads that prevented blacks, Jews, the disabled, Spanish-speaking people and others from seeing open apartments - and didn't spend more than 2 minutes approving the ads.
That's illegal under federal law http: More than one year after initially reported, the company's algorithms are still not correctly enforcing their stated policies. Remember back in February when Facebook said this would stop?
Real estate agents for years have been more likely to show apartments to whites than minorities. Facebook operates the same way—letting advertisers exclude renters based on race and religion: Looking for a good PR agent.
DM me if interested! There seems to be a common misconception among startup founders and PR people that a reporter needs consent to cover specific companies or the people within them. Oh my god the host isn't an employee he's a freelance contractor, this really is future hell http: I wish I had never ever used the word bonkers in my life so I could save it to only describe this story.
This story is utterly bizarre. YouTube returns to the Amazon Echo Show. YouTube is back on Amazon Echo Show. YouTube is available on the Amazon Echo Show once again. YouTube returns to Amazon's Echo Show with a new and improved look.
YouTube returns to Amazon Echo Show. YouTube is finally available again on the Amazon Echo Show. YouTube is back on Amazon's Echo Show. Echo Show YouTube support is back. YouTube comes back to the Amazon Echo Show. It's kinda awkward to use Kicker: Back and decidedly worse.
Find out how to move your business away from reliance on email to cloud-based collaboration. Google's secret mobile OS might have one feature Android never will. Add Fuchsia OS and lld linker support Google's mysterious new operating system will support Swift code.
Google adds support for Apple's Swift programming language to Fuchsia. It's needed to send a PR. This is not Google forking Swift. And my team is adding support to Swift to target Fuchsia. Chinese students claim they worked illegal overtime making the iPhone X.
Apple says Foxconn allowed high school students to work illegal overtime to assemble iPhone X. Apple admits student interns worked illegal hours on iPhone X production line. Your iPhone X may have been made by high schoolers working overtime.
Apple under fire over reports students worked illegal overtime to build iPhone X. Apple supplier used illegal teenage labor to assemble the iPhone X: Apple confirms students worked illegal overtime building iPhone X.
Apple's iPhone X reportedly assembled by illegal student labor to catch up after production delays. Apple confirms students worked illegal overtime assembling iPhone X. Workers heading back to their iPhone assembly lines after lunch.
While I was here I was struck by how young yet aged everyone looked. A workforce that is rapidly shrinking in China http: FTC reportedly probing TripAdvisor for deleting rape reports. TripAdvisor is under investigation from the FTC after it reportedly removed user accounts of rape and assault.
FTC may investigate TripAdvisor over deleted posts, but it isn't yet. FTC reportedly investigating TripAdvisor's deleted reviews. How to bring more water to more people? Work with charts, play with charts.
Visit the microsite and download a free copy of the report. Who's Hiring In Tech? Talented People Thrive Here. Toys are preludes to serious ideas. The database for modern apps. Develop what you love.
We live by our 4H culture. Delivering live video at scale. We're making work—work better. Self-driving software at scale. Come as you are. Do what you love. You might have heard of us EU agrees to abolish geoblocking restrictions on some goods on e-commerce sites by end of ; proposal excludes copyrighted content like streaming services Find.
Bitfinex's inadequate disclosures of hack and unclear ownership links to Tether, issuer of popular coins used to buy bitcoin, raise doubts about exchange Find. FCC will also order states to scrap plans for their own net neutrality laws Find.
Upcoming Tech Events Nov Dec 1. EU agrees to abolish geoblocking restrictions on some goods on e-commerce sites by end of ; proposal excludes copyrighted content like streaming services. Bitfinex's inadequate disclosures of hack and unclear ownership links to Tether, issuer of popular coins used to buy bitcoin, raise doubts about exchange.
Blow up now, or try a Hail-Mary to retain in business. Bitfinex is solvent and both fiat and crypto withdrawals are functioning as normal. Bitfinex has been fined, lost its bank accounts, been hacked 2 now 3 times and provides little info about its operations.
That hasn't stopped it from becoming the largest Bitcoin exchange in the world https: One point that didn't fit in the story: But at least one customer, Coinbase, got a better deal after threatening to sue, multiple sources told me.
Always ask for evidence before drawing conclusions. We are grateful to those who have defended against these reckless allegations. A formal announcement is forthcoming. On some days, Bitcoin exchange Bitfinex claims to be doing more trades, by dollar value, than some stock exchanges http: The next phase for AppLovin.
AppLovin scraps acquisition and takes debt financing instead. Salesforce tops estimates on revenue, earnings, names Bret Taylor chief product officer. Salesforce quarterly revenue jumps 25 percent.
Google Plans to De-Rank Sputnik: Roskomnadzor Will Protect Russia's Interests. Russia warns Google over comments about downranking government-linked news sites. As Zuckerberg concludes his state tour, a look at how he's described Facebook and its mission since This explains his tour far better.
Amazingly, Zuckerberg seems to have concluded that what the community wants in these chaotic, polarized, economically precarious times is And so Facebook wants to give it to them. Virtual Mining Bitcoin News: Blockchain company goes dark in apparent initial coin offering scam.
Iranian charged in HBO hack. Juan Antonio 13 noviembre, Federico 14 noviembre, Joseph 15 noviembre, Corraloide 16 noviembre, Gracias y un saludo. Ivan 16 noviembre, Joaquin 16 noviembre, Fernando 18 noviembre, JM Pinfly 19 noviembre, Ahora el ordenador va como un tiro.
Roberto 20 noviembre, Ivan 20 noviembre, Jose 22 noviembre, Funciono muy bien gracias. Julio 23 noviembre, Ivan 24 noviembre, Lerrys 24 noviembre, Sergio 25 noviembre, Ivan 25 noviembre, Javier 26 noviembre, Sergio 5 diciembre, Tony 6 diciembre, Segui los pasos con nvdia geforce y todo perfecto!!!!
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Vanina 19 julio, Mag 18 julio, Dave Taez 20 julio, Hector Moreno 23 julio, Andrea GM 28 julio, Manuel Ortiz 29 julio, Josagmir 30 julio, Franco Maldo 2 agosto, Raul 16 agosto, Franivelius 24 agosto, Elio 26 agosto, Refrain 2 octubre, Rodolfo 7 octubre, Gabriel 9 octubre, Tony 31 octubre, Genial, muchas gracias por este aporte.
He podido dar vida de nuevo a un equipo. Esteban 6 noviembre, Daniel 20 noviembre, Breshman 25 noviembre, Jose 30 noviembre, Mario Contreras 18 diciembre, Tino 26 diciembre, Jerry Velasquez 1 enero, Carlos Sandoval 10 enero, Juan Picado 15 enero, Nestor 13 febrero, Manueller19 27 febrero, Adrian R 19 marzo, Justo lo que necesitaba.
Gracias por el aporte.
01.06.2010 : 11:09 Gardagal:
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